FOR investors

Why invest in Boho Group
Investing in Boho Group means taking part in a growing hotel company focused on the premium segment of the Spanish market. Boho Group offers a unique investment opportunity where you can benefit from the company’s successful concept, Boho Club, which combines hotel and restaurant operations to generate stable and growing revenues.
The company is listed on the Nasdaq First North Growth Market in Stockholm, giving investors easy access to the expansive tourism and hospitality market on the Spanish Costa del Sol. Boho Group has shown strong growth and has ambitions to continue expanding its successful concept, making it an attractive investment for those seeking long-term value growth and stable returns.
Boho Group has two outstanding share classes in the form of ordinary shares and preference shares. The ordinary and preference shares in Boho Group have been traded on Nasdaq First North Growth Market in Stockholm since 21 June 2017. The preference share series was previously admitted to trading on NGM Nordic MTF.
The two types of shares enable two separate investment methods. The preference share generates an annual quarterly dividend, but has a theoretically limited upside as the company can redeem the preference shares at a premium.
A direct investment in a property in Spain can in many cases be perceived as complicated and involve significant transaction costs. An investment in Boho Group’s ordinary shares is an opportunity to expose its equity portfolio to the growing hotel market in Spain, particularly on the Spanish Costa del Sol where the company’s existing hotel operations are located.
Boho Group has a long-term ambition to strengthen its position in the Spanish hotel market and is the only Swedish hotel company operating in Spain whose shares can be traded on any of the Swedish trading venues, such as the Stockholm Stock Exchange, NGM Nordic MTF, Aktietorget or Nasdaq First North Growth Market.
Certified Adviser
Mangold Fondkommission AB
Phone +46 8-503-015-50
Nasdaq First North Growth Market
Nasdaq First North Growth Market is a registered SME marketplace for growth companies, in accordance with the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (EU2014/65) as implemented in the national legislation of Denmark, Finland and Sweden. The marketplace is part of the Nasdaq group. Issuers on Nasdaq First North Growth Market are not subject to the regulation applicable to issuers whose shares are listed on a regulated market, as defined in EU legislation (and implemented in national legislation). Instead, they are subject to less extensive rules and regulations tailored to smaller growth companies. The risk of investing in an issuer on Nasdaq First North Growth Market may therefore be higher than investing in an issuer listed on a regulated market. All issuers with shares listed for trading on Nasdaq First North Growth Market have a Certified Adviser who monitors compliance with the rules. Nasdaq approves issuers’ applications for admission to trading.

investments with a passion
# | Shareholders - July 1, 2024 | Ordinary Shares | Preference shares | Capital | Votes |
1 | House of K Holding Limited | 10,046,442 | 1,000,002 | 17.1% | 17.4% |
2 | Fastighets Aktiebolag Bränneröd | 7,284,000 | 100,000 | 11.5% | 12.5% |
3 | Rocet AB | 5,868,922 | - | 9.1% | 10.1% |
4 | Egonomics AB | 5,050,000 | - | 7.8% | 8.7% |
5 | Bosmac Invest AB | 4,226,911 | - | 6.6% | 7.2% |
6 | LMK Stiftelsen | 3,500,000 | 1,054,000 | 7.1% | 6.2% |
7 | SIX SIS AG | 3,493,303 | - | 5.4% | 6.0% |
8 | Bernt Lundberg Fastigheter Lund AB | 2,426,372 | - | 3.8% | 4.2% |
9 | Avanza Pension | 1,912,492 | 638,495 | 4.0% | 3.4% |
10 | CS (CH) Client Omnibus ACC | 1,451,705 | 10,000 | 2.3% | 2.5% |
Topp 10 | 45,260,147 | 2,802,497 | 74.6% | 78.0% | |
Övriga | 12,436,858 | 3,967,371 | 25.5% | 22.0% | |
Totalt | 57,697,005 | 6,769,868 | 100.0% | 100.0% | |
FINANCIAL calender
20 Feb
Year-end report 2024
8 May
Annual report 2024
15 May
Interim report Jan-Mar
5th June
Annual General Meeting
18 July
Interim report Apr-Jun
7 Nov
Interim report Jul-Sep
19 Feb 2026
Year-end report
CORPORATE governance
Corporate goverence
Proxy Form to Extraordinary General Meeting 2024
Proxy form Annual General Meeting 2024
Complete proposals for decisions – Annual General Meeting 2023
Proxy form Annual General Meeting 2023
Notice of Annual General Meeting 2023
Proxy Form to Extraordinary General Meeting 2023
Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting 2023
Proxy form Annual General Meeting 2022
Notice of Annual General Meeting 2022
Postal voting form – Annual General Meeting 2022
CEO speech ahead of AGM 2021
Proxy form Annual General Meeting 2021
Notice of Annual General Meeting 2021
Postal voting form – Annual General Meeting 2021
Proxy form Annual General Meeting 2020
Notice of Annual General Meeting 2020
Proxy form Annual General Meeting 2019
Notice of Annual General Meeting 2019
Minutes from Annual General Meeting 2018-06-21
Proxy form Annual General Meeting 2018
Notice of Annual General Meeting 2018
Minutes from the Annual General Meeting 2017
Proxy form Annual General Meeting 2017
Notice of Annual General Meeting 2017
Proxy form to extraordinary general meeting
Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting 2017-01-24
Minutes from the 2016 Annual General Meeting
Corportae governance
Boho Group is a Swedish public property company, domiciled in Stockholm, whose shares are listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market in Stockholm. The external framework for corporate governance is the Swedish Companies Act, the Articles of Association and Nasdaq’s rules for issuers on First North. Prior to the listing on First North, which took place in June 2017, the company followed NGM Nordic MTF’s rules for issuers. The Company complies with internal regulations issued by the Board of Directors, the most important of which are the Board’s rules of procedure, instructions for the CEO, and the Company’s information and insider policy. The company is not obliged to apply the Swedish Corporate Governance Code.
Principles of corporate governance within Boho Group
Corporate governance within Boho Group aims to support the Board of Directors and management so that all operations create long-term value for shareholders and other stakeholders.
- Governance includes the maintenance of:
- An effective organisational structure.
- Risk management and internal control systems.
- Transparent internal and external reporting.
- Shareholders and general meetings
Shareholders’ influence in the company is exercised at the Annual General Meeting, which is the company’s highest decision-making body. At the AGM, each shareholder votes with the number of votes associated with the type of share owned. Boho Group has two classes of shares: ordinary shares with ten votes and preference shares with one vote.
Board of directors
According to the Articles of Association, the Board of Directors must consist of a minimum of three and a maximum of nine members, including the Chairman of the Board. The Board currently consists of four ordinary members, two of whom are independent of both the company and its management, as well as the company’s major shareholders. One member is independent of the company and its management and one member is independent of the company’s major shareholders. The company’s Board of Directors is elected at the Annual General Meeting. The election of the Board of Directors is for the period up to and including the next Annual General Meeting. The company does not appoint any special committees for audit or remuneration issues, but the entire Board is involved in these matters. The Board is responsible for monitoring the business and actively supporting the development of the company. The Board is composed of people with expertise and experience in areas such as business development, marketing, property and project development, financing and capital market issues.
The Chairman of the Board ensures that the Board fulfils its duties. The Chairman also monitors operations in dialogue with the CEO and is responsible for ensuring that other members receive the information necessary for high-quality discussions and decisions. The Chairman is also responsible for evaluating the work of both the Board and the CEO.
CORPORATE information
Corporate information
Redemption of warrants series 4 (TO4)
Redemption of warrants series 3 (TO3)
Investor presentation December 2018
Articles of association Quartiers Properties AB (PUBL)
Information regarding completed share issue of 2019
BOARD OF Directors

Jörgen Cederholm (1961)
Jörgen has more than 25 years of experience in business development in medium and large companies. Jörgen has worked as the Global Information Security Manager at IKEA and has been responsible for leadership and organizational models. In 1987, Jörgen founded the IT company Factum AB, together with a partner and reached annual sales of approximately SEK 150 million and 70 employees. Factum AB was later acquired by the then-listed company Martinsson Informationssystem AB.
Directly wholly owned, Member of the Board:
• Linnéstaden Förvaltning AB
• Linnéstaden Affärsutveckling AB
• Continium AB
Indirectly co-owned, NOT Board of Directors:
• Rocet AB
Indirectly owned, board member:
• Fastighets AB Bränneröd
• Portvakten Fridhem AB
• Strandängen Bostäder i Bunkelfostrand AB
• Strandängen Bostäder i Trummenäs AB
• Aktiebolaget Uno Bengtsson
• Strandängarna Förvaltning i Skåne AB
• Efficax Förvaltning AB
• Balsam AB
• PortRB AB
• Zantiqo AB
• Öresundsvalvet AB
No ownership, deputy board member:
• Öresundsbyn AB
Board only:
• Bostadsrättsföreningen Guldsmeden i Ängelholm
Jörgen holds an Executive MBA from the School of Economics at the University of Lund.
6,421,160 ordinary shares and 76,056 preference shares.
Via companies and privately.
Company and company management: yes.
Main shareholders: No

Jörgen Cederholm (1961)
Jörgen has more than 25 years of experience in business development in medium and large companies. Jörgen has worked as the Global Information Security Manager at IKEA and has been responsible for leadership and organizational models. In 1987, Jörgen founded the IT company Factum AB, together with a partner and reached annual sales of approximately SEK 150 million and 70 employees. Factum AB was later acquired by the then-listed company Martinsson Informationssystem AB.
Directly wholly owned, Member of the Board:
• Linnéstaden Förvaltning AB
• Linnéstaden Affärsutveckling AB
• Continium AB
Indirectly co-owned, NOT Board of Directors:
• Rocet AB
Indirectly owned, board member:
• Fastighets AB Bränneröd
• Portvakten Fridhem AB
• Strandängen Bostäder i Bunkelfostrand AB
• Strandängen Bostäder i Trummenäs AB
• Aktiebolaget Uno Bengtsson
• Strandängarna Förvaltning i Skåne AB
• Efficax Förvaltning AB
• Balsam AB
• PortRB AB
• Zantiqo AB
• Öresundsvalvet AB
No ownership, deputy board member:
• Öresundsbyn AB
Board only:
• Bostadsrättsföreningen Guldsmeden i Ängelholm
Jörgen holds an Executive MBA from the School of Economics at the University of Lund.
6,421,160 ordinary shares and 76,056 preference shares.
Via companies and privately.
Company and company management: yes.
Main shareholders: No

Merja Rahkola (1966)
Merja Rahkola is a seasoned entrepreneur and board member with extensive experience in sales, marketing, branding and customer experience in retail, hospitality, franchise, and luxury goods and has won several awards for her outstanding achievements in entrepreneurship, such as the Stevie Award for Female Entrepreneur of the Year and the Stevie Award for Best Consumer Concept of the Year. She was also a finalist for the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award and has been named among the Financial Times 1000 fastest growing companies and RLI’s best F&B concept. In addition, Merja is an honorary judge for the largest business competition in Finland, a judge for the respected international competition Stevie Awards and Best Restaurants in Finland. Currently, Merja works as a business coach and board member by helping companies achieve sustainable growth.
Merja Rahkola owns no shares in the Company.

Merja Rahkola (1966)
Merja Rahkola is a seasoned entrepreneur and board member with extensive experience in sales, marketing, branding and customer experience in retail, hospitality, franchise, and luxury goods and has won several awards for her outstanding achievements in entrepreneurship, such as the Stevie Award for Female Entrepreneur of the Year and the Stevie Award for Best Consumer Concept of the Year. She was also a finalist for the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award and has been named among the Financial Times 1000 fastest growing companies and RLI’s best F&B concept. In addition, Merja is an honorary judge for the largest business competition in Finland, a judge for the respected international competition Stevie Awards and Best Restaurants in Finland. Currently, Merja works as a business coach and board member by helping companies achieve sustainable growth.
Merja Rahkola owns no shares in the Company.

Raouf Lotfi (1968)
Raouf Lotfi is a Spanish/Egyptian national with a bachelor’s degree from AUC (American University) in Cairo. He has an impressive background in the hospitality industry with over 30 years of experience and has opened more than 26 different F&B and leisure concepts around the world. Raouf is currently a member of the Board of Directors of the Lustica Bay Town Association and of Bohoclub Marbella, of which he is one of the conceptual creators of the latter. He is also the founder and co-owner of the well-known Besaya Group in Marbella, which he also manages, and which includes well-known concepts such as Finca Besaya, Tikitano, Besaya Beach, Mamzel and Notablu. Currently acting as Chief Leisure and Hospitality Officer for Lustica Bay Montenegro. Raouf has also completed and achieved Full Diplomat at the French Culinary Institute, FCI.
Raouf Lotfi owns no shares in the Company.

Raouf Lotfi (1968)
Raouf Lotfi is a Spanish/Egyptian national with a bachelor’s degree from AUC (American University) in Cairo. He has an impressive background in the hospitality industry with over 30 years of experience and has opened more than 26 different F&B and leisure concepts around the world. Raouf is currently a member of the Board of Directors of the Lustica Bay Town Association and of Bohoclub Marbella, of which he is one of the conceptual creators of the latter. He is also the founder and co-owner of the well-known Besaya Group in Marbella, which he also manages, and which includes well-known concepts such as Finca Besaya, Tikitano, Besaya Beach, Mamzel and Notablu. Currently acting as Chief Leisure and Hospitality Officer for Lustica Bay Montenegro. Raouf has also completed and achieved Full Diplomat at the French Culinary Institute, FCI.
Raouf Lotfi owns no shares in the Company.

Fredrik Björklund joins the QP board in August 2024.
He is the CEO and co-founder of Miss Group, which he left for Eyeonid Group AB in September 2023. He was elected to the board of directors at the Annual General Meeting 2023 as a board member and took over as Chairman of Eyeonid from March 1 this year. In his role as Chairman, Fredrik Björklund took over as CEO the 1st of september 2023.

Fredrik Björklund joins the QP board in August 2024.
He is the CEO and co-founder of Miss Group, which he left for Eyeonid Group AB in September 2023. He was elected to the board of directors at the Annual General Meeting 2023 as a board member and took over as Chairman of Eyeonid from March 1 this year. In his role as Chairman, Fredrik Björklund took over as CEO the 1st of september 2023.

Andreas Bonnier is co-founder of Quartiers Properties and has extensive experience as a serial entrepreneur, with a significant career in company building in international environments. He has many years of experience in building and developing companies, particularly in Sweden, Switzerland and France.
In addition to his involvement in Quartiers Properties, Andreas is an active board member of a number of other companies and associations, including DKN Stockholm AB, Bostadsföreningen Kornetten nr 7, and Egonomics AB. He has held positions in, among others, Bonniers Familjestiftelse, Nowonomics AB, Aitellu Technologies AB and Tradevenue AB.
Andreas has also previously been a board member of Quartiers Properties during the period 2014 and 2015-2017.
Andreas holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree and degrees in international business and marketing from Schiller International University in Paris.
Andreas owns a total of 5,090,670 ordinary shares in the Company, of which 5,090,000 via Egonomics AB and 40,670 shares privately.
The company and company management: No
Major shareholders: No

Andreas Bonnier is co-founder of Quartiers Properties and has extensive experience as a serial entrepreneur, with a significant career in company building in international environments. He has many years of experience in building and developing companies, particularly in Sweden, Switzerland and France.
In addition to his involvement in Quartiers Properties, Andreas is an active board member of a number of other companies and associations, including DKN Stockholm AB, Bostadsföreningen Kornetten nr 7, and Egonomics AB. He has held positions in, among others, Bonniers Familjestiftelse, Nowonomics AB, Aitellu Technologies AB and Tradevenue AB.
Andreas has also previously been a board member of Quartiers Properties during the period 2014 and 2015-2017.
Andreas holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree and degrees in international business and marketing from Schiller International University in Paris.
Andreas owns a total of 5,090,670 ordinary shares in the Company, of which 5,090,000 via Egonomics AB and 40,670 shares privately.
The company and company management: No
Major shareholders: No

Carl-Fredrik Morander (1969)
CARL-FREDRIK MORANDER became CFO in 2022 and has main responsibility for the planning, implementation, managing and running of all the finance activities, including business planning, budgeting, forecasting and negotiations.
Carl-Fredrik has more than 30 years of experience in auditing, accounting and process efficiency, including as a partner at the auditing and consulting firm Rödl & Partner. Carl-Fredrik is based in Spain and has been working on the external financial reporting for Quartiers since 2017.
No shares in the company

Carl-Fredrik Morander (1969)
CARL-FREDRIK MORANDER became CFO in 2022 and has main responsibility for the planning, implementation, managing and running of all the finance activities, including business planning, budgeting, forecasting and negotiations.
Carl-Fredrik has more than 30 years of experience in auditing, accounting and process efficiency, including as a partner at the auditing and consulting firm Rödl & Partner. Carl-Fredrik is based in Spain and has been working on the external financial reporting for Quartiers since 2017.
No shares in the company

Maria Cepero (1973)
MARIA CEPERO became Head of Business Support 2022 and was previously CFO of the company since 2018. Her main tasks are to support the business through operational and efficiency analysis, as well as implementation and operation of operational support functions. Maria has been an employee of Quartiers since 2018.
Maria has over 20 years of experience in tax, legal and financial aspects and has worked for companies such as Accenture and Symantec. She has also worked for other companies in Costa del Sol; including Xpat Marbella as founding partner, 9 lions residences as CFO and for Uniconta as a consultant.
She is an economist, registered at Malaga Economists Association with a degree in Business & Economic Science by University of Granada, Spain and stays at University of Limerick and Dublin Institute of Technology in Ireland.
No shares in the company

Maria Cepero (1973)
MARIA CEPERO became Head of Business Support 2022 and was previously CFO of the company since 2018. Her main tasks are to support the business through operational and efficiency analysis, as well as implementation and operation of operational support functions. Maria has been an employee of Quartiers since 2018.
Maria has over 20 years of experience in tax, legal and financial aspects and has worked for companies such as Accenture and Symantec. She has also worked for other companies in Costa del Sol; including Xpat Marbella as founding partner, 9 lions residences as CFO and for Uniconta as a consultant.
She is an economist, registered at Malaga Economists Association with a degree in Business & Economic Science by University of Granada, Spain and stays at University of Limerick and Dublin Institute of Technology in Ireland.
No shares in the company
Henrik Boman
Öhrlings PriceWaterhouseCoopers AB. Auditor in charge of Quartiers Properties since 2015.
The Nomination Committee for the 2023 AGM consists of Andreas Bonnier (shareholder in Egonomics AB) and Mats Lundberg (representing Fastighets Aktiebolag Bränneröd and Mats Invest AB). Mats Lundberg is the Chairman of the Nomination Committee.
Investor contact
Interested in investing in Boho Group?
Please contact us and we will get back to you as soon as we can.